Putter length

How to Select the Correct Putter Length: A Detailed Guide

Selecting a properly fit putter is one of the most important yet commonly overlooked aspects of assembling a high-performing golf set. Most golfers grab a random putter off the rack at their local golf shop without considering whether the length is appropriate for their body type, stance, and stroke mechanics. 

However, putter length has a significant influence on consistency, accuracy, and holed putts. Taking the time to dial in the right length putter for your game can lead to dramatic improvements on the greens. This article will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on determining the optimal putter length for your needs and preferences.

Check Your Current Putter Length

The first step is to measure the length of the putter you currently use. This will provide a baseline understanding of what you may be accustomed to. Measure from the very bottom of the head to the top of the grip cap. Standard putter lengths range from 32-36 inches, but there is no universally ideal measurement.

Write down your current putter length, as you will likely use this as a starting point for your fitting. Knowing the length of your old putter is key to assessing if you should go shorter, neutral, or longer with your new one.

Research Fitting Recommendations

Now that you have your baseline measurement, do some research into fitting recommendations for your height and stance. Most putter companies and retailers provide general guidelines on appropriate lengths given variables like a golfer’s height. For example, Odyssey suggests the following putter lengths based on height:

  • 5’0” to 5’3”: 30-31 inches
  • 5’4” to 5’8”: 31-32 inches
  • 5’9” to 6’0”: 32-33 inches
  • 6’1” and taller: 34-35 inches

Keep in mind these are just generalizations; your appropriate putter length may differ depending on your stance, posture, and arm length. But these charts provide reasonable guardrails when determining the right ballpark.

Understand Stroke Style Impact

Putter lengths can vary greatly depending on whether a golfer utilizes a straight back, straight through stroke (best fit for conventional lengths of 34-35 inches) versus a strong arc (may necessitate longer putters closer to 36+ inches). Before deciding on a length, analyze video of your current putting stroke to determine just how much arc you have. 

If your path travels well inside the line on the backswing and then releases back on the target line, you likely need the stability of a longer putter. Those with minimal path variance can get away with slightly shorter models.

Test Multiple Lengths On Practice Green

Once you have researched some general recommendations and better understand your stroke style, it’s time to test options hands-on. Head to your practice green or golf simulator with 3-4 putters ranging in length from 30-36+ inches. Start with your current length, then work up and down from there. Give each several minutes of strokes with different break types to assess consistency and roll. 

The best way is to quantify results, so make a grid tracking putts holed from 5, 10, and 15 feet with each length option. Track percentages and also how the ball reacts in terms of speed, launch, and rollout.

Also pay close attention to how each putter length feels in your hands. Can you freely hinge your wrists without feeling cramped? How is your posture, balance, and eye alignment changed? The right length should allow fluid motion without tweaks to standard form or setup. You are seeking that “Goldilocks option” offering both optimal feel and measurable performance.

Assess Arm hang and Hand Positioning

In addition to stroking putts with various lengths, you also want to evaluate arm hang and hand positioning at address. Grip down on the putter and assume your normal stance, posture, and eye position over the ball. Then, analyze the following elements for each option:

  1. Are your hands directly under your shoulders? If they drift too far forward with longer shafts, it can lead to breakdowns.
  2. How is weight distribution affected across your feet? You generally want equilibrium.
  3. Does the putter flow seamlessly out of your grip? Or are wrists breaking down?
  4. Do you feel balanced? Or are you reaching uncomfortably?

Use the option that allows a neutral, athletic posture without undue tension in hands, arms or shoulders. This typically signals a putter sized well for your body. MARK

Fine Tune Based On Missing Tendencies

As a final step after testing different lengths, think critically about miss patterns with your current putter. Do you consistently come up short? Leave putts wide left or right? If you struggle with specific types of misses, putter length may be a contributor. For example:

  • Frequent short putts indicate you may need a longer putter for more stability and throughstroke
  • Putts often missing wide right point to the need for a shorter putter limiting backswing arc.

Tackling mechanical weaknesses is also key, but finding optimal length can help minimize miss tendencies in the interim.

Give Yourself Time To Adapt

It’s critical to give yourself adequate practice time to adapt to a new putter length before deeming it successful or not. You have built neurological pathways and muscle memory around your old length, so it will take conscious reps to overhaul that. Be patient, as consistency will not emerge overnight. But know that proper fitting now can pay dividends for years down the road.

Invest In Custom Fitting If Struggling

This article has provided thorough guidelines on selecting an appropriate putter length for your body and stroke style. However, some golfers with unique biomechanics, very strong arcs, or unusual setup positions may require a truly custom fitting. Seek out a certified putter fitter if you are unusually tall/short, have flexibility limitations, or continue struggling badly with standard length options.

Custom fitting considers factors like wrist-to-floor measurement, grip style, and ideal lie angle to give putters tailored precision. Though this option comes with a higher cost, it can offer game-changing accuracy gains.


Dialing in an on-target putter length has the potential to take strokes off your scores by optimizing consistency, distance control, and efficiency. By learning your current putter length, researching basic recommendations for your height, testing multiple sizes yourself, and fine-tuning based on miss tendencies, you can find that “just right” fit delivering better roll and more made putts. Be sure to give any transition adequate practice time and consider custom options if still not satisfied. Investing in properly fit equipment tailored to your body and stroke lays the foundation for excelling on the greens for many seasons ahead.

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