golf competition

When can a golf competition be Cancelled?

Golf competitions, whether casual club events or major championships, require a significant amount of preparation. However, if the weather turns bad, all of those plans may be abandoned. Lightning, strong winds, and thunderstorms can all cause havoc quickly. So, what do you do? Cancel? Postpone? Tough it out? Having a plan in place before the competition begins can be extremely beneficial.

Let’s talk about Canceling

Tournament organisers despise hearing “dangerous weather on the way” from weather forecasters. Cancelling or delaying play disrupts schedules, irritates players, and harms the bottom line. But safety must come first. Setting clear cancellation rules before the tournament and informing everyone about them is critical.

What exactly is meant by “dangerous weather”?

Deciding when to call it quits is difficult. Having clear rules helps. The US Golf Association provides some useful guidelines: if there is lightning within 6 miles, winds over 40 mph, extreme heat, thick fog, or heavy rain, it is time to pause. And if someone feels unsafe, they can stop playing with no consequences.

Watching out for lightning

Lightning is a big deal, particularly on the golf course. The USGA recommends that play be halted if lightning strikes within 6 miles. There are sophisticated systems that can track lightning from up to 40 miles away. Making sure employees understand how to use these systems is a wise decision.

Finding Shelter

When the weather turns bad, everyone needs a safe place to go. A strong structure is ideal, especially during lightning or strong winds. It is also important to have shuttle buses ready to transport people to their destination quickly. Furthermore, having shelters scattered throughout the course is beneficial in case people are far from the clubhouse when bad weather strikes.

Deciding when to stop

It’s difficult to decide whether to cancel the entire day or simply postpone events. When bad weather is on the way, it’s usually easier to call it early. The USGA recommends waiting at least 30 minutes after the last lightning flash before resuming play. But sometimes it’s best to call it a day.

Keeping everyone in the loop

When storms approach, everyone becomes nervous. Having a strategy for keeping everyone informed helps to calm things down. Texts, social media, course signage, and announcements over the speakers all help. And informing everyone where to go if play is halted clears up any confusion.

What Happens to Refunds?

Golfers pay a lot of money to participate in tournaments. They want to know that if the weather causes problems, they will be compensated. Offering refunds or credits for future tournaments demonstrates good faith.

Insurance related information

Golf competitions cost a lot of money, so having insurance for bad weather makes sense. This insurance can cover expenses such as lost ticket sales or concession stand profits. But it’s critical to understand what the policy covers and how to file a claim.

Having backup plans for staff

When play is canceled, there is still work to be done. Having backup plans for employees helps things run smoothly. Extra volunteers, flexible vendor schedules, and managers prepared to deal with upset players are all beneficial.

Dealing with refunds and exchanges

Sponsors and fans want to know what happens if the weather causes a disruption. It is critical to have clear refund or exchange policies in place for items such as tickets or merchandise. Putting this information on the website and tickets helps to manage expectations.


Nobody wants inclement weather to disrupt a Golf competitions. But being prepared is essential. Having clear rules and plans in place helps everyone understand what to do if the weather turns bad. So, when storms roll in, everyone can handle them like a pro. 

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