hold a golf club

The Proper Way to Hold a Golf Club for Beginners

Learning how to hold a golf club correctly is one of the most important fundamentals for any new golfer. Using the proper grip allows you to control your shots and develop a consistent swing. This article will go over how to properly hold a golf club, including grip types, hand placement, and pressure. Use these golf grip tips to improve your game.

When first learning golf, most beginners want to rush to the driving range and start whacking balls as far as they can. However, before you can work on distance or accuracy, you must first understand how to properly hold a golf club. Gripping the club incorrectly can result in slices, hooks, and a lack of power. It may also cause hand or wrist pain.

Learning the proper golf grip may feel awkward at first. However, it lays the groundwork for a strong, repeatable golf swing. Along with proper stance and posture, an appropriate grip on the club leads to peak performance. This article will walk you through the various aspects of the proper grip to help you develop consistency.

Types of Grips

There are three types of golf grips: overlap, interlock, and baseball grips. When properly positioned, any can provide a secure grip on the club. We will briefly review each one here:

Overlap Grip: The most popular grip at the professional level. The right pinky finger sits on top of the gap between the left index and middle fingers. This linkage contributes to control and consistency.

Interlock Grip: The right pinky finger connects with the left index finger. This connected grip provides a secure hold while allowing for easy hand movement.

Baseball Grip: The hands remain entirely separate, as if holding a baseball bat. This grip is easy to learn, but it provides less control for most players.

Each golfer must evaluate these options and select the one that provides the most comfort and consistency. Do not assume you have to use a specific one. The proper golf grip is unique to each individual. Now let’s take a closer look at hand placement.

Hand Placement

Placing the hands correctly on the golf grip gives you control over the clubface. As a result, you can swing the club along your intended path and strike the ball cleanly. Here are a few important hand placement tips to remember:

Lead Hand Positioning: When setting your lead hand (the left hand for right-handed golfers), place the club from the pad at the base of your pinky finger down across your palms. Your thumb should be pointing down the center of the shaft. Gripping too tightly in the palms causes hand and wrist tension.

Trail Hand Placement: The trail hand should have a light grip on the club. You generate power with the lead hand and arms, not the trailing right hand. Place your right palm on top of your left thumb; do not squeeze too tightly.

Make a V Shape: Looking down at address, your hands should form a V shape on the handle, leaving a gap between your right index finger and the golf club. This promotes a neutral hold during impact.

Examine the back of your lead hand at address. The V formed by your index and middle finger knuckles should point towards your right shoulder. This position facilitates swinging the clubface squarely back and then through the ball.

Maintaining proper hand placement while swinging requires practice. But it results in significantly improved ball striking power and control. Let’s move on to grip pressure.

Grip Pressure

Beginning golfers often squeeze the golf club far too tightly in an attempt to hit the ball further. However, excessive grip tension severely limits your ability to achieve distance and accuracy. You want to apply just enough pressure to keep the club under control.

Keys to proper golf grip pressure include:

Neutral Lead Hand Grip: Imagine holding a small bird in your hands. Hold it tightly enough not to drop it, but don’t squeeze the life out of it! Maintain a light, neutral tension in your lead hand as you swing.

Allow your right hand to simply support the handle without exerting too much force. All power and motion should come from the lead side.

No tension in the wrists or forearms: This is critical. Wrist and forearm tightness severely limits your wrist hinge during the backswing, reducing leverage and power. Keep them calm.

To determine proper grip tension, have someone twist or turn the club in your hands at address. If they can easily manipulate it, your grip is too weak. If it barely moves, it is probably too tight.


Learning how to hold a golf club correctly requires practice, just like any other skill. However, it is worthwhile to invest time in avoiding bad habits. Proper grip technique results in an athletic, repeatable golf swing, allowing for solid ball striking.

Remember to choose the appropriate grip style for your hand size and comfort level. Position your hands correctly, without squeezing too tightly. Keep your wrists and forearms as relaxed as possible. Mastering these fundamentals represents a significant step forward for all high handicap golfers. Use these golf grip tips on the driving range to develop consistency from the ground up.

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