Better Golfer

How to Become a Better Golfer in 30 Days

Golf is a sport that requires accuracy, finesse, and consistency to master. For many amateur golfers, shaving strokes off their score can seem impossible. However, with dedicated practice and a focus on the fundamentals, you can better golfer game in as little as 30 days.

How to improve at golf

Improving your golf game necessitates identifying your weaknesses and devoting time to refining them. For most mid-to-high handicap golfers, focusing on the short game and putting can result in the most significant reduction in overall score. However, it’s critical not to overlook the long-game fundamentals of proper setup, grip, alignment, and full swing.

Swing the correct golf clubs

Using properly fitted golf clubs can significantly improve your consistency and ability to make solid contact. Getting custom fit for clubs based on your height, swing speed, and angle of attack can improve distance and accuracy. According to estimates, the average male recreational golfer’s driver swing speed ranges from 90 to 100 mph.

Golfer’s average clubhead speed

Male golfers have an average club head speed of about 93 mph with a driver. LPGA tour professionals average around 105 mph, while PGA tour pros average 113 mph with their drivers. Knowing your personal swing speed can help you choose the best shaft flex and clubhead design for maximum distance while maintaining control.

Choose the best golf ball

Choosing a golf ball that matches your swing speed can give you an advantage off the tee while also providing the necessary touch around the greens. Gamers with slower swing speeds under 85 mph benefit from soft compression balls that emphasize distance, whereas those with faster swing speeds over 105 mph require firmer models that do not balloon.

Practice Time

Setting aside focused practice time ranging from 60-90 minutes, three to four days per week, is critical for seeing measurable results within 30 days. Consistency is essential, as inconsistent practice makes it difficult to retain feel and technique. Create a balanced routine that includes hitting range balls, chipping and pitching, and putting.

Want free Pro-V1s?

After completing the Ball Fitting experience, Titleist provides a complimentary dozen Pro-V1 practice balls. By analyzing your clubhead speed, angle of attack, and typical shot patterns, Titleist consultants can recommend the best performing Pro-V1 model for your game. Schedule your personalized Titleist ball fitting to unlock peak performance and possibly receive a free sleeve.

How much practice does it take to become good at golf?

It is estimated that mastering the sport and achieving a low handicap requires approximately 5,000 hours of intentional golf practice. While becoming truly elite necessitates even more time investment, dedicating 30-minutes four days a week for 12 months will accumulate over 100 hours to make significant progress. Consistency is essential; visit the range and practice greens before or after work whenever possible, rather than scheduling multi-hour weekend sessions once a month.

How to Practice Golf at Home

Practicing golf at home uses training aids to develop proper mechanics that translate on the course. The SKLZ Gold Flex and Orange Whip simulate the weight of a club during different swing paths, helping to build golf muscles while preventing bad habits. Putting mats offer realistic speed and break, whereas impact bags provide feedback on centered contact. When installing a net and mat setup indoors, consider both ceiling height and potential damage.

The Best Golf Professional Instruction

Scheduling a few lessons with a PGA or LPGA golf instructor over the course of a month can help you improve faster than attempting to correct flaws on your own. Local club professionals and independent coaches provide invaluable launch monitors, video analysis, drills, and feedback based on your current skill level. Conduct research to find an experienced instructor whose teaching style aligns with your personality and preferred learning methods.

Establish a pre-shot routine

Using a practiced pre-shot routine before hitting any full swing, chip, or putt improves consistency while reducing rushed or distracted play. Aim to keep your routine to 20 seconds or less by selecting 1-2 swing feels or trigger words, adjusting your alignment, waggling the club, and taking a deep breath before firing. Routines do not need to be complicated; simply repeat the exact same sequence of preparation before each stroke.

The Best Way to Grip A Golf Club

The best practice for gripping a golf club is to use an overlapping, interlocking, or baseball-style grip. These methods entail holding the club primarily in the fingers and palms of both hands, with the thumbs gently pressing down the front of the shaft. Most people prefer an overlapping grip because it promotes neutral hand rotation during impact, but any method can be effective.

How to Set Up the Golf Ball

The foundation of a golf swing is a proper setup posture over the ball. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly flexed, and your spine tilted 30 degrees forward from the hips. Arms should be draped down with shoulders relaxed, with the ball opposite the left heel (right heel for lefties) and hands gently resting together ahead of the club head. This athletic posture achieves a balance of tension and flexibility.

Golf aiming and alignment tips

Accurate aim is essential for directing shots to their intended target. Before you set your feet, knees, and shoulders parallel to the left of the target line, align the clubface. To better visualize the trajectory, scan behind the ball for an intermediate target, such as a tree or marking, that is in line with your final destination. Take care to double-check your sight lines; proper alignment is critical for strategic course management.

How To Swing A Golf Club

An efficient golf swing uses the entire body in sequence to propel the clubhead through impact at maximum speed. Separating the swing into three components can simplify teaching:

The Takeaway

Begin the takeaway by turning the shoulders and torso while keeping the lower body steady. Hinge the wrists gradually while keeping the hands and arms connected, rotating the club head away from the ball. Weight shifts to the back leg at a 45-degree spine angle.

The Downswing

Power is generated from the ground up; begin the downswing by transferring weight to the lead leg, rotating the hips at impact, and accelerating the torso and arms into extension towards the target. The clubhead approaches impact from a descending angle.

Best Short Game Drills

Sharpening shots within 100 yards accelerates scoring faster than pure ball striking alone. Focus on alignment, ball first contact, and consistent distance control by:

How to Practice Your Short Game Shot

To hone your chipping and pitching skills, practice with multiple balls on the green. Set balls 5-10 yards from the edge and practice minimal back and throughswing action, making consistent contact underneath to carry. For pitching practice, place balls 20-50 yards apart and take full lofted swings, emphasizing clean ball first contact and sending shots high with soft landing. Rehearse a variety of uphill, downhill, and sidehill positions.

How to improve your putting stroke

Putting accounts for more than 40% of total strokes during a round, making perfecting your technique on the greens critical for scoring. To achieve a more precise and consistent stroke:

The ideal ball position for hitting putts

Impact putts with the ball opposite your left heel (or right heel for lefties) and your eyes just inside the target line. This inside ball position and aligned gaze combine the shoulders, elbows, and wrists into a single synchronized pendulum motion toward the hole.

What is the best grip for a putter?

Use a reverse overlapping grip with your dominant hand lower down the shaft to improve feel and finesse. Roll putts with the face balanced at impact, using the lead hand’s lower palm and primarily the third finger, while stabilizing the grip with the off hand. Eliminate unnecessary wrist action for accurate feedback.

Best Putter Alignment

Set up the putter head directly behind the ball, aligned with your intended start line. To track an accurate path, run the face perpendicular to your body while using visual aids such as a ball with a hole or a line on it. Tour pros shine a tee in front of their ball to get better feedback on proper direction.

The best putting stroke technique

Putting requires a proper pace. Perform pendulum-like strokes that approximate the length of the putt, avoiding abrupt movements or deceleration upon impact. To increase repeatability, envision swinging the putter head into the back of the cup with smooth acceleration to match the required speed.

Time to go play golf

The ultimate test of your progress occurs on the golf course in actual playing conditions. Refine your pre-shot routine to make it automatic, and prioritize process over results early on. Playing more rounds also improves course management skills. Trust your technique and enjoy the experience of practicing your range sessions on grass.


How can I improve my golf quickly?

Some tips for quick improvement include taking lessons from a pro, practicing your short game frequently (this is where beginners lose the most strokes), focusing on your fundamentals such as grip and stance, playing frequently to reinforce what you’re learning, joining a league to compete, and using video analysis to critique your swing. Improving your golf game takes time and patience, but deliberate practice will yield faster results.

Can I become a professional golfer at 30?

Being a professional golfer in your 30s is difficult, but not impossible. Jim Rutledge, for example, began his professional career in his mid-30s. You would need to devote all of your time to practicing and competing in tournaments, most likely beginning with lower-level tours. Most importantly, you must have the talent and ability to compete with today’s rising golf stars.

What are three tips for improving your golf swing?

1. Take a video of your swing and compare it to the pros to see the differences.

2. Take lessons – a coach can easily identify flaws in grip, stance, and so on.

3. Practice with purpose – don’t just beat balls on the range, set goals to improve specific aspects of your swing

How do I get from a 28 to an 18 handicap?

Getting from a 28 to an 18 handicap requires dedication, focused practice, and course management abilities. To improve your golf game, consider taking multiple lessons to correct swing flaws and improving your short game, which accounts for many lost strokes.

Learn how to manage a course more effectively – strategy makes a big difference.

Focus on problem areas 2-3 times per week. – Increase play frequency to consolidate and track progress. 


Regular practice, honing short game skills, and perfecting your putting stroke can all pay off quickly, making you a measurably better golfer in as little as 30 days. Assessing your current ability and identifying priority areas for improvement creates a road map for lowering scores. Commit to proper mechanics and a consistent routine that emphasizes control, and the lower numbers will follow. With a focused approach, you can reap the benefits of improved golf performance. 

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